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black banded leporinus

Black banded leporinus is tropical freshwater fish. It is the one of few members of its family which has gain name in aquarium trade. Black banded leporinus is elongated in shape with black and yellowish vertical stripes on their body. Due to these vibrant colors, they appeal to many people. They can grow up to size of 10-12 inches in captivity. These are lively and active schooling fishes and must be kept in group of 6-7. They may indulge themselves in fin nipping process. Black banded leporinus can easily live up to 5 years or more in captivity. These fishes are great jumpers, so tank must be properly covered with a lid.
Fish Tank Set Up
Since it can grow up to 10-12 inches of size, therefore 55 gallon tank is recommended. Tank should be tightly covered. Black banded leporinus are good eater of live plants. They can damage the plants up to great extent. Only fake plants and hardy plants such as anubias and java fern is recommended. Tank substrate can be of any kind. Tank should contain lots of hiding spots in form of decorations, rocks and caves.

Black banded leporinus are omnivores in nature. They can easily fed on flakes, frozen food, live food, plant matter, brine shrimps, worms, beef heart, pellets etc. Feed them several times a day. Alter the diet regularly to avoid in specific deficiency of minerals.

Tank mates
Black banded leporinus are generally peaceful in large sized tank They can become aggressive if they are hungry and present in low number. Do not add them withsmaller fishes, otherwise they will become meal. Avoid adding them with slow moving and fishes with larger fins such as angelfish. Since leporinus are fin nippers. Plecos, silver dollar and rainbow fish will be good choice. If any quarrel occurs its better to separate them

Care : moderate

Diet : omnivores

Size : 10 - 12 inches

Nature : Semi - aggressive(aggression increases with age)

Lifespan : 5 years or more

Fish Tank size : 55 gallons

Temperature : 22 - 27 degrees Celsius

black ghost knife fish care

Black ghost knife fish is popular fish of knife fish family in aquarium trade. These are tropical fishes which are mainly found in rivers of Brazil. Due to their exotic appearance black ghost knife fish has gain much popularity. Black ghost knife fish is laterally compressed and have elongated body. These are black in color with two white rings near their tail. There is also white stripe on their head extending down few inches. This fish have distinct swimming pattern as it move by long fin present under side. Under natural environment they can grow up to 20 inches of size. However they do not grow to full extent in captivity. They can grow up to size of 12 - 15 inches under good care in fish tank. Black ghost knife fish have very long life span. They can easily live up to 7-8 years if care is taken properly. These are scaleless fishes, due to which it is more susceptible to infections.
Black ghost knife fish is basically carnivores. You can feed them brine shrimps, fishes, worms, beef heart, krill etc. Avoid overfeeding them otherwise your fish may get sick. Avoid keeping them with cichlids otherwise your fish will starve due to tough competition for food.

Fish Tank Set Up
Black ghost knife fish demands fairly large space to live due to their large size. 55 gallons tank will be enough for young one, while 100 gallons tank is ideal for adults. The fish tank should be properly covered since black ghost are known for jumping. The fish tank must contains lots of hiding spaces in forms of PVC pipes or drift woods. These fishes are quite sensitive to lights. The fish tank should have dim or low intensity lights. Tank substrate should be small and soft. Highly planted fish tank is admired by black ghost. Fish tank should have good filter and good water conditions.

Tank Mates
Black ghost knife fish is semi aggressive fish. It can be easily kept with peaceful species of larger size. Avoid them with other family members, eels, small fishes like neon tetra, rasbora etc. Cichlids of similar size will be good choice if you can handle to feed them properly. Avoid them with same type or any other electric species. Angelfish, Discus and gourami of larger size can easily be housed with them. A fish tank should only contain 1 black ghost at a time.

Care : Moderate

Diet : Carnivores ( basically meaty food )

Size : 15 inches

Nature : Semi - Aggressive

Life Span : 7 years or more

Fish Tank Size : 55 gallons +

Temperature : 23 degrees to 28 degrees Celsius

albino cory catfish care

Albino Cory catfish are small, cute catfishes which are quite appealing. They have barbels near the mouth region and are generally light pinkish or yellowish in color. Albino Cory catfish grow up to size of 3 inches in captivity. They can live up to 3 - 4 years in captivity under good care. They can easily thrive in small fish tanks, 10 gallons fish tank will be enough for few pairs. These are very hardy fishes and well suited for beginners. They are very peaceful in nature and loves to live in groups. Adding them to fish tank will add lots of activity and liveliness to you fish tank. Always add them in group of 6 or more to observe their natural behaviour. They are bottom dwellers and keeps the bottom clean by eating left food and algae.
Fish Tank Set Up
Like most of the catfishes they are extremely sensitive to salt. Avoid adding salt to your aquarium otherwise you will loose them. Albino Cory catfish is also sensitive to poor water conditions. So do 30 % of water change twice a week. Since these are bottom dwellers, so substrate must be mixer of sand and small gravels. They love to live in planted area which provide them shade to retreat and for rest. Albino Cory catfish is extremely sensitive to high intensity light, so avoid it. The temperature of the fish tank must be in between 22 - 26 degrees Celsius. Keep an eye on ammonia and nitrate level it must be under control.
Food and Tank mates
Albino cory catfish can be easily fed on wide range of food. Flake food, pellet tablets, brine shrimps, worms and algae wafers will be good choice. These are extremely social fishes, and can easily live with other peaceful tank mates. Neon tetra, zebra danio, platy fish, swordtails and dwarf gourami will be good choice.

Care : Easy
Size : 3 inches
Lifespan : 3-5 years
Nature : Peaceful
Diet : omnivores
Fish Tank Size : 10 gallons or more
Temperature : 22 - 26 degrees Celsius
Breeding : easy and fun

neon velvet damsel care

Neon velvet damsel is one of the popular damsel. Bright colors and hardy nature is their key trait. Neon velvet damsel is also having other popular names such as Javanese damsel, Blue velvet damsel, Blue banded damsel and many more. They are extremely beautiful especially when they are young. They have neon colored blue horizontal stripes across the face. They also have yellowish white vertical bar which divides them in half. However when they grow up these markings fade away leaving blueish color as whole. They are relatively cheap saltwater fish which is capable of adapting wide range of water parameters. Neon velvet damsell are quite aggressive and their aggressive nature increases when they grow up. They form their territories and defend them at all cost.

 Feeding them is a easy job, they will happily eat flakes, pellets, shrimps or any other food. Give them vitamin and protein enriched food which will help them in developing colors. Mix the diet given to them so they do not lack in specific nutrient which is very important for their survival. Give them small amount of food several time a day.
Fish Tank Set Up and Tank Mates
Neon velvet damsel are middle sized fishes, they can grow up to 6 inches of size under good care. Minimum of 25 gallons size fish tank will be sufficient to contain an adult. Proper care must be taken in terms of water standards otherwise fish may easily suffer from diseases. Maintain the pH level of fish tank about 8.2 with perfect salinity. The temperature of fish tank must be in between 21 - 25 degrees Celsius. Neon velvet damsel are not suited for community fish tank due to their aggression and territorial nature. Fishes of similar temperament can be housed together with them under good care and supervision. You can opt for puffer, large angelfish, surgeon fish, tangs and butterflies. The tank mates should not be very large as compared to it otherwise they will treat neon velvet as a snack.The fish tank containing them should have excellent level of oxygen with lots of hiding spots.

Care : Easy
Size : 6 inches
Temperature : 21 - 25 degrees Celsius
Tank size : 25 gallons or more
Breeding : moderate
Diet : omnivorous
Nature : aggressive
Lifespan : 10 years or more under good care

spotted green puffer care

Spotted green puffer have very attractive coloration with cute little face and appealing personality. They generally have deep green color back with black spots all over it while their belly is white. However they can change their color in order to match background. Green spotted puffer can grow up to 6 inches of length. They are lively, active, curious and very smart. They can easily recognize their owner and tries to greet him by their big deep eyes. They have very long life span of about 10 years. They are basically omnivores and can be fed on shrimps, snails, crickets, mussels and flakes.

Fish tank setup
Aquarium should be properly recycled before adding puffers. They have good appetite due to which ammonia levels can increases rapidly. So, it is recommended to keep them in large fish tank. Fish tank containing them must have strong filter. Many people are in habit of keeping them in freshwater. Basically they are brackish water fishes which means they require aquarium salt in water especially when they are adult. Fish tank must have plenty of plants, drift woods and any other decorations with plenty of open space in front. Spotted green puffer are scaleless fish due to which they are easily prone to infections and diseases. Maintain high standard of water conditions otherwise you will loose them. Maintain temperature of fish tank in between 24 -28 degrees Celsius. Tank mates must be chosen wisely as green puffer may turn aggressive towards them.
Puffer fish have ability to inflate them just like balloon. They do it only when they are in excess danger. Under normal conditions you will hardly see them puffing. Also puffing is never easy for them so don't try to torture them to do it.

Care : Moderate

Tank Size : 55 gallons

Nature : semi - aggressive

Lifespan : 10 years +

Food : basically meaty food

Size : 6 inches

Breeding : relatively tough

Temperature : 24 - 28 degrees Celsius

Note :
Under natural conditions spotted green puffers eats lots of hard stuff. Due to which their teeth doesn't grow after a limit. But in captivity their teeth grows excessively and may create problem for them. Also they are highly toxic for health if consumed. Take proper care of them and do give them snails, clams and other food having shells just to grind their teeth otherwise they will die badly.

jack dempsey cichlid

Jack dempsey cichlid is very strong, lively and beautiful fish. It is one of the beloved member from cichlid family. Jack dempsey cichlid requires significant care because of their hot temperament. Only skillful aquarist should opt for them. Jack dempsey cichlid was named after former boxer " jack dempsey ". They can grow up to 10 inches is care is taken properly. They are very active swimmers, so put them in large fish tank. They can live up to 10 years or more under good care. Take extra care while choosing tank mates for jack dempsey cichlid. Tank mates should be of same size and temperament. Otherwise they will become food for them. You can go for gold severum, covict cichlid or fire mouth cichlid.
  Jack dempsey cichlid is territorial fish like most of the cichlids so there must be enough room in fish tank to form territories. Jack dempsey gets mature enough at the age of 8 months. Males are generally larger then females and more aggressive towards them. Choose at least 55 gallon fish tank for a pair of fishes. They accepts wide range of food, keep changing their diet with live and frozen food. You can feed them pellets, blood worms, earth worms, flake food etc. Jack dempsey love to dig surface of substrate. They will uproot most of the plants so keep only tough and hardy plants in fish tank. Keep the temperature of fish tank in between 74 F- 86 F. Breeding can be easily done under proper conditions.
Care : Moderate

Breeding : Easy

Temperature : 74 F- 86 F

Fish tank size : 55 gallons

Nature : Aggressive

Lifespan : 10 years

Diet : Omnivorous

red belly piranha

Red belly piranha is popular freshwater fish of piranha family. Red belly piranha have reddish shade over the belly when they get fully mature. They can grow up to size of 1 feet or more under proper care. However their growth rate is slow. Red belly piranha can live up to 6-7 years in captivity. Since they belong to piranha family that's why they are famous for their ferociousness. These fishes are very ruthless to other fishes so think twice before purchasing them. They basically eats meaty items and can be fed on small fishes, mussels, shrimps. You should also give them pellets or flake to complete their minerals and vitamin deficiency. Keep in mind that the food you are giving is free from any disease otherwise your fish will also be get infected.
Extra precautions are need while purchasing them in terms of cost and care. Due to their size you have to spend extra money on fish food. Also they may bite your fingers while you are cleaning your aquarium. Red belly piranha are active schooling fish and demands fairly larger space to swim. Fish tank smaller then 30 gallons will make them stressed. Keep the aquarium free from left or uneaten food because it will foul the water. Breeding them is difficult but possible under good conditions. Give them good hiding spots as red belly piranha are mostly nervous and timid. Keep only tough plants in water otherwise they will get destroyed. Red belly piranha tank mates must be chosen wisely since piranhas are very aggressive. Other piranhas, plecos or convicts can live happily if fish tank is lager one.
Care : Moderate

Food : basically meaty products like brine shrimps, small fishes or beef heart

Size : 12 inches or more

Fish tank :30 gallons or more

Nature : very aggressive

Lifespan : 7 years or more

Temperature : 74 degree Fahrenheit to 85 degree Fahrenheit

blue ram cichlid

Blue ram cichlid is one of the famous fish from the family of cichlids. Blue ram cichlid basically found in Columbia and Venezuela in South America. Blue ram cichlid are tiny aquarium fishes with beautiful colors pattern on their body. They are famous for their beauty and peaceful behaviour. Blue ram cichlid do well in slightly acidic water. They generally have small life span. They may live up to 2 years in captivity. They develop more vibrant colors at the time of breeding. Blue ram cichlid can be fed on pellets, frozen food, flake or live food. Give them protein rich diet so they develop colors more effectively. The minimum tank for them should be of 20 gallons capacity or more. It should be heavily planted and provide with hiding spots. Also there should be lot of free space in fish tank.
These fishes demands extra care in terms of water conditions. These cichlids active swimmers and can easily kept with other peaceful tank mates. They are very sensitive towards poor water conditions. Regular water changes over small interval of time will be appreciated. Do 25% of water change every week. Blue ram cichlid will form beautiful fish tank with other peaceful fishes like neon tetraand guppy. They are one of the few members of cichlid family which are peaceful. Other member of cichlid family like green terror, oscar cichlid are very much aggressive.

Breeding blue ram cichlid is fairly easy. Just provide them good conditions and eventually they will breed in home aquarium. These cichlids can become aggressive towards other fishes at the time of breeding. Female lays 20 - 200 eggs on flat surface of stone or leaf. The temperature of water should be around 77 to 85 Fahrenheit. Soon the babies will be released from eggs. You don't need to separate parents from them as ram cichlid are excellent parents. To protect fry from any danger, blue ram cichlids put their fry in mouth just like mouth brooders. Parents will also protect their fry by chasing of other fishes. Their aggression level increases at this point. You can feed babies with fry food or baby brine shrimps. Try not to over feed them, if food remains after feeding then remove it other wise it may pollute water. Also keep in mind that fry are not sucked up by aquarium filter.